Abstract—Ban Phu is one of the minority village of Phu Thai in northeastern of Thailand, which has history of over 130 years. The Phu Thai people have multicultural heritage. This paper aims to introduce the cultural resources of Ban Phu Village, analyze the tourist supply and market development prospect of Ban Phu, and further illustrate the importance of cultural tourism in modern tourism industry. In addition, this paper provide an insight into the developing tourism market for Ban Phu Village through a cultural tourism perspective. And finally to find the problems of cultural tourism in Ban Phu through the comparison of tourism demand and tourism supply, and put forward some suggestions for development of local tourism.
Index Terms—Cultural tourism, market, tourist supply, tourist demand, Ban Phu.
The authors are with the Khon Kaen University, Thailand (e-mail: linsm198@163.com).
Cite: Jiaxiu Liu, Pat Kotchapakdeea, and Homhuan Buarabha, "Developing the Cultural Tourism of Ban Phu Village in Thailand," International Journal of Culture and History vol. 4, no. 3, pp. 42-47, 2018.